Easy to Freeze

Tip Thursday: Freezing Fresh Fruit for Smoothies


Something I can’t stand is an icy, watered down smoothie. So, I’ve had to find other ways to make smoothies super cold. The best tip I’ve found: Use frozen fruit!

Now, after doing some testing, I’ve figured out a few things. I’ve found that unless you have an awesome blender – don’t freeze bananas. Most other fruits are just fine; strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, peaches, pineapple, and mango. Most fruits you can find in the frozen food section of your local grocery store and they work great. I’ve found that Whole Foods have a great selection.

 The only fruit I don’t like buying frozen, is mango. I always end up finding strange, almost paper-like chucks in my smoothies when I use it. I know it sound crazy, but I can’t describe it any other way and it’s not appetizing.

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The solution to the problem: freeze your own mango. Or even better: freeze any fruit you’d like. Buying bags of frozen fruit can sometimes get expensive, so when you see organic mangos for 2/$4, take that opportunity to freeze them yourself.

It’s a super easy process; just let the fruit ripen, cut it into small pieces, and freeze. I have pictured above the process I use to cut mangos. Then when you want a smoothie, you have all your favorite fruits on hand. My personal favorite smoothies are peach/blueberry/banana and mango/peach/banana.


Thank you for reading my blog post, I hope you enjoyed this tip! Feel free to leave a question or comment telling me your favorite smoothie combo. Also, let me know if you would like to see smoothie recipes or more tips like this one.

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